JH23 CONOPS (Past Event)

Concept of Operations

Jade Helm 23 is a three day operation scheduled for 17-19 Nov 23. Named after Jade Helm 15, a special forces operation, which gained national attention for its conspiracies. Leakey was one of the training sites for JH15. We’re bringing Jade Helm back and are going to have more fun than the government needs to know about!

Battle Buddies and Lone Ranger Course is planned for 8 stages over 6 miles with considerable elevation gain. Rifle and pistol will be the primary weapons with pistol caliber carbine allowed for pistol and rifle targets. Round count will be substantial. Updates will be sent out as event setup begins.

To succeed as a Lone Ranger, you will need to be an excellent shooter and athlete. The stages will be designed to challenge two average shooters. You must do the same thing as a team with no extra time. This means carrying the ammo loadout for two, not missing a whole lot, and expeditiously moving between shooting positions. If you doubt your abilities, it’s best to find a battle buddy. If you cannot find a battle buddy and have doubts, the Survivor Scramble is perfect for you.

On Sunday, the course and stages will be modified for a Survivor Scramble. Primary weapons will be rifle and pistol for 6 stages over a 4 mile course. Round count will be average for Mystery Ops standards.

The Survivor Scramble will be geared towards solo competitors who want more shooting and running opportunity, want redemption, seek to settle a bet, need a rebound after a bad break up with battle buddy, and are newer shooters.

Jade Helm 23 Event Rules



Safety is first and foremost. Unsafe acts will not be tolerated.

-Gun safety rules:


-There is movement involved on these shooting stages with loaded firearms. All shooting will be done on-line with each other and to the front or side of teammate that you are standing on. COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE.

-We are playing big boy rules. If you are not a big boy there is no shame, we want you here, you just have to be safe. Let the RO’s know, they are here to help you. Go slow and think about what you are doing before doing it. If you make a mistake trying to out-do your skill level, you will be famous for all the wrong reasons.

-Everyone is a safety officer. You see something unsafe, yell CEASEFIRE, CEASEFIRE, CEASEFIRE. Everyone around, repeat it.

-A floating 180-degree rule will be in effect for all stages. RO’s will remind you if you get close. One warning is all you get. Breaking the rule will be a stage DQ.

-Discharging a weapon in excess of 180 degrees will be a match DQ. Similarly, negligent discharges where a round is unexpectedly sent well below or above a target will be a match DQ. 

-If you flag someone with any weapon, that will be a match DQ.

-Steel core ammunition will be match DQ. Thin steel jacketed ammo is OK. Rifle caliber is restricted to 30-06. Pistol caliber is what it means, not a pistol chambered in a rifle caliber.

-No Full-Auto may be used. For insurance reasons, not because its better than semi.

-Communicate with Range Officers, your teammate, other competitors, and yourself.

-Two-person teams will need to communicate and maneuver in a safe method during the shooting stages. If any forward advancement on a stage is present, the team must stay on-line and restrict shooting zones to the side that they are standing of their partner. No advancing ahead of your partner or swinging over to shoot targets on your partner’s side.

-Range officers will monitor partners closely to ensure they are being safe. Range officers will give one early warning to the team if the advancement is not on-line, especially if pistols drawn or rifles loaded. If the team advancement is not immediately and safely corrected, they will call a cease fire. The clock will still be running during this cease fire and the team may not continue the stage until the shooters are on-line and given the command to resume by the RO. If teammates are severely off-line with weapons drawn, pointed, and especially firing will be match DQ’s.

-If a team member shoots a target in their partners zone during a stage with forward advancement, the team will receive a match disqualification. For example, if your partner is standing on your right, and you shoot a target on your right, and the degree is severe enough that they could possibly see the hole in your muzzle. That could constitute a safety violation. Simple range safety procedures is all we’re talking about here. Partners may switch sides during stage with forward advancement with proper communication and weapon handling procedures.

-On stages with no forward advancement, partners may engage most of the targets on the stage from the location they occupy. Targets off limits from certain positions will be identified. Lateral movement within the stage may be acceptable to find a better shooting position depending on stage design. Both partners must communicate. As always, if you are moving, your weapon will be on safe and pointed in a safe direction!

-Tell the RO’s “weapon on safe, moving” before leaving a shooting position or weapon transition

-If you need to go backwards on the stage, weapon on safe (Do it as you verbalize it) then holster or use the correct carry method for the situation. High port is good. If using low port it better be straight down. Don't get lazy. The “Sul” position is great until it becomes “Sul del Oeste”. Don’t let things get western.

-Talk to other competitors on the course. One, it’s friendly. Two, it’s a good way to recognize injury before it’s too late. If someone is looking and acting dehydrated or hurt tell the next RO you see so we don’t lose them on the course. Be your brother’s keeper.

-Talk to yourself, out loud if needed. Think about what you are doing and why before you do it. This is a game, don’t make dangerous mistakes trying to get a fast time without thinking first.

-Be loud, there are controlled explosions going off feet away from people’s heads. Everyone is wearing hearing protection, speak up.

-Eye and ear protection is mandatory for everyone on a stage. Range officers, shooters, spectators, competitors waiting to shoot. Check and remind each other.

-Rifles will be carried unloaded, without magazine. A clear chamber will be shown to RO’s at HQ and each stage when arriving and leaving. If the rifle has a round in the chamber or loaded mag inserted, that is a match DQ. RO’s, make sure you visually inspect rifle chambers before letting a shooter leave a stage. When carrying your rifle slung, especially on back, care must be taken not to flag anyone while unslinging. Pistol Caliber Carbines will be treated the same.

-Pistols may be carried loaded & hot or empty in a safe holster. If you choose to carry an empty pistol, no time or safe loading area is provided at the stages. Loading will be on the clock. It is never acceptable to draw your pistol other than after an RO’s commands accompanied by a shot timer beep when you are the shooter. Chamber checks, sight checks, magazine tops offs, or any other manipulation of the pistol outside of the holster are prohibited.

-Impact zone: If anything wanders into the impact zone of a stage at a hazardous distance. The RO’s will call ceasefire. The last recorded shot on the timer will be written down. Once the impact area is clear, shooting will start on the beep from where the shooter left off., Both times being added together for final stage time.

-Course flagging: The course is flagged with fluorescent orange flagging within line of sight from the previous flagging. If you are walking and don’t see a flag, stop immediately, and return to the last observed flag. The course is long and skinny, there are no short cuts! You may be able to see runners and some flagging in the distance, but if its more than 25-50 yards away, that is not your next flag or stage!

-Hazard areas: If you see thick yellow caution tape stretched across an area. Absolutely do not cross it. It means exactly what it says.

Jade Helm 23 Course of Fire

Subject to change during setup.

ALL TARGETS GET TWO HITS. NO SHOOT TARGETS WILL BE SPORATICALLY DISPERSED AND DISTINCTLY MARKED. Hitting a no shoot will be a 30 second penalty added to the finishing time.

Stage 1 – “The moon landing was fake.” PAR 240 Seconds

Communicate, shoot, and move! 24 rifle hits and 4 shooting positions. Muzzle discipline and engaging safety between shooting positions is mandatory. High port carry works the best for moving safely on this stage.

-Starting at Position 1 teammates will neutralize 12 targets with two hits each from four positions. Teams will provide cover/overwatch for each other to move between positions 1 through 3. The final assault on position 4 will be made together.

-“Cover” is a teammate engaging targets. “Overwatch” is position targets neutralized, safety on, while doing nothing. No suppressive cover fire is required.

-Teams may work together or separately at each position. If separate, teams will only be on consecutive positions at the same time. No skipping from P1 to P3, P2 to P4, or P1 to P4.

-Shooter A or A&B together, engages targets at P1. Shooter B advances to P2 while shooter A is providing cover/overwatch from P1. Shooter A may join shooter B at P2 and/or advance to P3 when shooter B is providing cover/overwatch at P2. Shooter B will join shooter A at P3 and the assault on P4 will be made together.

-Lone Rangers will move from position to position without cover/overwatch.

-Shooters must place rifles on safe, notify RO’s, and maintain muzzle discipline during movement. RO’s will verbally and physically control shooters if not following directions/safety procedures. Unsafe actions will be a match DQ, as typical. If you are uncomfortable with moving with a loaded rifle, you may unload between shooting positions.


Stage 2 – “MK Ultra” PAR 180 Seconds

-20 pistol

-Teams start together wearing Jade Helms. Teams may work together or separately on rifle and pistol targets from their respective shooting positions. If shooting together at a shooting position, shooting will be done online. If joining a teammate at a pistol position, you may only draw once online. Pistol targets are high angle up, helmet (supplied by Hard Head Veterans) and eye pro, are mandatory.


Stage 3 – “Illuminati Controls the Government.” PAR 240 Seconds

Communicate, shoot, and move! 24+ rifle hits and 4 shooting positions. Muzzle discipline and engaging safety between shooting positions is mandatory. High port carry works the best for moving safely on this stage.

-Starting at Position 1 teammates will neutralize 12 targets with two hits each from four positions. Teams will provide cover/overwatch for each other to move between positions 1 through 4. At position 4, flip a spinner over to stop time.

-“Cover” is a teammate engaging targets. “Overwatch” is position targets neutralized, safety on, while doing nothing. No suppressive cover fire is required.

-Teams may work together or separately at each position. If separate, teams will only be on consecutive positions at the same time. No skipping from P1 to P3, P2 to P4, or P1 to P4.

-Shooter A or A&B together, engages targets at P1. Shooter B advances to P2 while shooter A is providing cover/overwatch from P1. Shooter A may join shooter B at P2 and/or advance to P3 when shooter B is providing cover/overwatch at P2. Shooter B may join shooter A at P3 and/or advance to P4 when shooter A is providing cover/overwatch at P3Shooter A will join shooter B at P4 once Shooter B is engaging targets at P4.

-Lone Rangers will move from position to position without cover/overwatch.

-Shooters must place rifles on safe, notify RO’s, and maintain muzzle discipline during movement. RO’s will verbally and physically control shooters if not following directions/safety procedures. Unsafe actions will be a match DQ, as typical. If you are uncomfortable with moving with a loaded rifle, you may unload between shooting positions.

Stage 4 - “Chem trails control the weather.” PAR 240 Seconds

-14 rifle

Advance to the shooting position and battle buddies will place their rifle in a bog pod and clamp it in place. Engage the visible targets from that position. Once the 5 targets have been neutralized, leave rifles in the tripods, switch places, then neutralize one more target with two hits using your buddy’s rifle. Lone Rangers, get two hits on the 5 targets then engage 2 more targets after switching positions.

Stage 5 – “CIA killed JFK, the Grassy Knoll.” PAR 180 Seconds

-8 to 12 rifle

-Advance from start position to shooting position(s). Engage and neutralize targets with two hits each. Battle Buddies may synchronize shots, counting down and shooting within less than a second from the other. If a team can engage the first 4 targets with two hits each while being synchronized, then the last two targets do not need to be engaged. Lone Rangers, sorry you don’t have friends, shoot everything twice.


Stage 6 – “The Pope is a space lizard.” PAR 300 Seconds

-50+ pistol.

-Engage pistol targets from start line. Funnel and merge on the trail, engage targets together to left and right of trail. Finish with a spinning target which must be flipped over. Once the flipper goes over, time stops.

-Due to terrain and narrowness of the trail, safely and deliberately holster between shooting positions. Shooters must maintain a 10-yard minimum engagement distance.


Stage 7 – “Area 51” PAR 240 Seconds

-16 rifle and 10 pistol.

-Teams start and split or work together. Engage pistol targets from the ground. Climb the tower and engage rifle targets from tower. Loading rifle only once in the tower.


Stage 8 – “The Earth is flat and hollow.” PAR 180 Seconds

-8 rifle and 8 pistol.

-Engage three small pistol targets twice each then a high value target with one hit from each teammate. The high value target will be in front of a large target equipped with a hit indicator. If the high value target is missed and the hit indicator lights up, then engage the three small pistol targets one more time each and try high value target again. Misses that don’t hit the large target behind high value target are free. If pistol is passed, then repeat the drill from the same shooting position for rifle. Hits on the target behind the high value target do not incur 30 second no shoot penalties.



-Two hits on every target for Battle Buddies/Lone Ranger. Survivor Scramble stages will be different.

-Pistol targets will be blue and may be engaged with pistol/pistol caliber carbine (PCC)

-Rifle targets will be white or black/grey with high visibility backer. They may be engaged with rifle, PCC, or pistol.

-Failure to hit all targets in under the PAR time will result in a DNF. DNF Pity Points will be used for Sunday. Please keep FTN data for Friday RO’s. Possible use on Saturday.

-The fastest time on the stage or run will be 100 points. To determine score on slower finishing times the fastest time will be divided by the time in question, the result multiplied by 100 will give the score. A time, under par, twice as slow as the fastest is worth 50 points. A time, under par, four times as slow as the fastest is worth 25 points. Everyone who finishes in under PAR gets a score relative to the fastest shooter.

Example: Top time is 68.15 seconds and worth 100 points. Time in question is 134.58 seconds.


0.5064x100=50.64 points

The slowest stage time is 179.87


0.3789x100=37.89 points

A DNF is zero points.

*New for Jade Helm 23 will be a “DTF” (Down To Finish) Bonus. To objectively weigh shooting stages and the run based on the difficulty experienced by the competition, the DNF rate will be used as a points multiplier for those who finished. Stages that are more difficult deserve to be valued higher than easier stages. If the run was really hard, the score should reflect it. All finishing stage and run scores will be multiplied by 1.XX, “XX” being the DNF percentage for the specific stage or run.

Example: The stage DNF rate was 19%. A DTF bonus of 1.19 will be applied to each time.

68.15 seconds = 100 points x 1.19 = 119 points

134.58 seconds = 50.64 points x 1.19 = 60.26 points

179.87 seconds = 37.64 points x 1.19 = 44.79 points

A DNF is still zero points

*We will be testing out a “DPP” DNF Pity Points scoring for the Survivor Scramble. “Time Plus Points” is a widely accepted method of scoring, but uncommonly used in the Texas RNG scene. Its time to give it a shot. Anyone who DNF’s a stage will have their FTN’s (Failure to Neutralize) counted. The shooter will receive a percentage, based on hit %, of the slowest finisher’s points, pre DTF Bonus. Skipping a target and not re-engaging, automatically jumps your time to PAR plus penalties regardless of finishing under PAR.

Example: A shooter DNF’s and had 2 FTN’s on a 10 hit stage, or an 80% hit rate.

The slowest clean shooting shooter received 37.64 points.

37.64 x 0.8 = 30.11 points. All shooters who hit 80% on that stage would get the same score.

The FTN value is variable and objectively based on stage difficulty and number of hits. Finishing shooters still receive the DTF bonus to separate from the DNF/DPP’s.

-Run time (notated in military time) is calculated by finish time minus the start time. Recorded stage wait times are deducted from the overall time.

-Wait time is only accrued when a team (both members) or an individual arrives at the stage and has to wait for other shooters to finish. Wait time will only start after a clear rifle is shown to an RO. Teams/individuals shall show a zero balance timer to the RO and then start their time. Once an RO asks for your wait time, it is your turn to step up, and your wait time has ceased. You are now on your run time. Any lollygagging after wait time is recorded, not only slows a stage/match down but also affects your score.

-There is also a heat modifier built into run time. This may not be consequential in November in Leakey, but makes a huge difference in the desert. A run at 62 degrees average is easier than 96 degrees average. The average is found by adding the run start temp and end temp then dividing by two. A four second per mile time deduction will be made for every degree average over the lowest start/end temp recorded for Friday (RO’s) and Saturday.

*While subjectively based on research, this formula has been used at the last two matches successfully and is based on information found here:


The formula hasn’t turned zeros into heroes, but helps decipher points between similar times at different temperatures.

Example: The fastest wait adjusted run time is 1h:33m with an average temp of 59 degrees. The slowest wait adjusted time was 4h:15m with an average temp of 84 degrees. The course was 5.5 miles long, lowest start temp was 55 degrees, and 3% of competitors did not finish.

Heat mod for 1h:33m @ 59 deg avg:

59(avg)-55(low)=4 4(deg)x5.5(miles)x4(sec) = 88 seconds or 1m:28s

Heat adjusted time = 1h:31m:32s or 5494 seconds

Score: 100 points 3% DTF bonus = 103 points

Heat mod for 4h:15m @ 84 deg avg:

84(avg)-55(low)=29 29(deg)x5.5(miles)x4(sec) = 638 seconds or 10m:38s

Heat adjusted time = 4h:4m:22s or 14662 seconds

Score: 5494/14662 = 0.3747 0.3747x100 = 37.47 points

3% DTF Bonus = 38.59 points

A run DNF is zero points.

-Final match score is determined by averaging shooting stage scores, making the shooting averages whole, and adding the run score. Averaging the stage scores generally waters down the shooting weight, a flaw I recently realized, especially when the DNF rate is high. To fix this the percentage that the highest score shooter is below the maximum score possible must be multiplied times all the shooting scores. This way, shooting weight actual is what it says. Running is always 100 points, because there's nothing to average it with.

Running and shooting scores can then be weighted if desired. The Pecos RNG, said to be the original RNG by most, was and still is using 50% run/50% shooting weights. Myself and other matches have been using weights such as 60/40, 65/35, 70/30. and 75/25 for shoot score/run score weights. The rationale is that run and guns are primarily shooting matches where the run matters, versus running matches where shooting doesn’t really matter that much.

-With PAR times, DNFs, and DTF Bonuses we can scrap subjective weighting of the shooting versus run and let the competitors and competition drive the scoring. Scoring will start out as 50% shooting/50% running, but shifts weight to the side that is more difficult for the competition. Shooting a fast time without failing is hard, finishing the running course when walking is not so hard. How much harder was it? Failure rates tell the tale.

-It’s OK to fail under most non-life-threatening situations. Failure can serve for quick and hard lessons learned, but it has to be consequential. Multiple minuscule failures eventually become overlooked and lead to complacency. Mystery Operations stages are designed to challenge everyone, keep the skilled entertained, and be completable by the competent. The difficult part is designing and testing a stage that hits the mark of a 180 second PAR time for the skilled and competent. The DTF Bonus accurately rewards those who finish while, punishing those who don’t. That said, we do our best to set competitors up for success. It’s not the Match Directors job to separate the competition. The competition does that fine without him.

-Why not use Time Plus Points? It’s a valid question and used by a lot of matches for a reason. There is still a PAR time but any targets not engaged or neutralized incur a penalty. Everyone gets a time whether they finished in under PAR or not. Admittedly, its pretty fair, except for the subjectiveness and opportunity for “gaming”. Are the penalties set too high or low and where can someone get away with using less skill than another but get a higher score? I’ve experienced that TPP, muddies the waters on scoring, delays match flow, and generally gives people more opportunity to whine. There has also been a standard set in the Texas RNG scene to use PAR times and DNFs. Our Range Officers, who we all share, really don’t care to start doing math. They want to run clocks, call hits, and copy times. I believe my DPP points system will fix all those flaws noted above.

I’ll get off my soap box and do some example final scoring:

Here’s some examples of scoring for an average shooter/fast runner vs an average runner/fast shooter at an 8 stage/5.5 mile match:

Avg Shooter/Fast Runner: 8 shooting scores summed/8 x % top shot below max score + run score = Match Score.

Total possible shoot points = 868 points. Top shooter shot 843 points. 843/868 = 97.12. 100-97.12 = 2.88% modifier for full shoot weight. All shoot scores are taken times 1.03

(55+67+73+92+88+79+51+69)/8 = 71.75 x 1.03 = 73.90 shoot score + 99.45 run score

Overall Match Score = 173.35

Avg Runner/Fast (Top) Shooter: same formula as above

(92+105+89+99+113+133+95+117)/8 = 105.38 x 1.03 = 108.54 shoot score + 67.87 run score

Overall Match Score = 176.41

Of course, this is an example of sample math and not in relation to a complete factual data set. It does however, show that while shooting is weighted more than running due to relative difficulty, running is still very valuable.

In the example, shooting ended up being 52% of the overall score and running was 48%.


-Positive Mental Attitude

-Rifle and ammo, up to 30-06. No armor piercing. Rifle caliber pistols or whatever they are called politically these days are considered rifles by match standards.

-Pistol and ammo, in pistol caliber. Magnum pistol calibers are discouraged but if you run one you’re a beast.

-Optional pistol caliber carbine or PCC.

-Again, no full-auto.

-Rimfire is technically allowed, and if you’re a young kid just starting it’s cool. If you’re an experienced adult trying to save money or game, it’s lame.

-Eye and ear protection.

-Water and properly hydrated to start with.

-Load bearing vest/pack capable of carrying all ammo, water and equipment.

-A safe holster for your pistol. It must be able to retain your pistol moving over uneven terrain in awkward body positions and block the trigger from being pulled from inside the holster.

-A sling for your rifle and pistol caliber carbine if carried. If you carry both then they will both be treated the same. Cleared at every stage and muzzle discipline must be maintained during weapons transitions. Practice this before committing to carrying long guns.

-Stages will require multiple weapons transitions. Practice this, a lot. The event is not the place to learn how to not to shoot an extra hole in something that shouldn’t have one.

-Terrain is rough and steep. Dress appropriately.

-Stopwatch, on phone is fine.

-A Tourniquet and medical gear is highly recommended, but not mandatory.

-Pogey bait


Rio Bravo Run ‘N Gun ‘24 and Night Op CONOPS (Past Event)


Rio Bravo Run ‘N Gun Match Information (Past Event)