Extreme Team Match, June 17th-18th, 2022. Information, Rules, and Course of Fire (Past Event)
Updated Course Map as of 3/14/22
E.T. Match Summary:
-Two person teams. Teams run course and shoot stages together.
-Approximately 7 mile course with 1000 feet elevation gain.
-Nine shooting stages.
-First 5 stages will use pistols, rifle, and precision rifle. Targets up to 1000 yards.
-Gear drop/resupply station after stage five.
-Last 4 stages will use pistols, rifle(s), and optional pistol caliber carbine. Targets up to 300 yards.
Course of fire subject to change. Target sizes and distances will be updated as stages are set up. YouTube stage walkthrough videos to come!
Important Notes and Rules:
Marfa weather in June is usually in the 90’s with very little humidity. Rain is also possible. It will be warm, if not hot, during a long course with considerable elevation gain, hydration is paramount.
Water will be available on each stage but please plan to carry your own and resupply after stage five. No penalty will be assessed for receiving water from a stage, but do not rely solely on that water for your hydration.
Be responsible for yourself and your partner!
Two-person teams will need to communicate and maneuver in a safe method during the shooting stages. If any forward advancement on a stage is present, the team must stay on-line and restrict shooting zones to the side that they are standing of their partner. No advancing ahead of your partner or swinging over to shoot targets on your partner’s side.
Range officers will monitor partners closely to ensure they are being safe. Range officers will give one early warning to the team if the advancement is not on-line. If the team advancement is not immediately and safely corrected, they will call a cease fire. The clock will still be running during this cease fire and the team may not continue the stage until the shooters are on-line and given the command to resume by the RO.
If a team member shoots a target in their partners zone during a stage with forward advancement, the team will receive a match disqualification and be asked to leave the ranch. For example, if your partner is standing on your right, and you shoot a target on your right, and the degree is severe enough that they could possibly see the hole in your muzzle. That could constitute a safety violation. Simple range safety procedures is all we’re talking about here. Partners may switch sides during stage with forward advancement with proper communication and weapon handling procedures.
On stages with no forward advancement, partners may engage most of the targets on the stage from the location they occupy. Targets off limits from certain positions will be identified. Lateral movement within the stage may be acceptable to find a better shooting position depending on stage design. Both partners must communicate. As always, if you are moving, your weapon will be on safe and pointed in a safe direction!
All personnel will restrict their movement within the marked designated course, staging areas, and roads to staging areas during competition. If a team cannot see course flagging while between stages, immediately return to last flagging observed.
While teams are running, pistols may be loaded and holstered, rifles and pistol caliber carbines (PCC) will be unloaded. Upon arriving at a stage, clear and unloaded rifles will be shown to the Range Officers, the rifle should not have been loaded anyway.
Slings are mandatory, as rifles will have to be managed by the team during some stages. While unslinging, care must be taken not to flag anyone.
Teams must top off magazines and prepare gear before shooting a stage. Once the team is up to shoot, no time will be given to prepare, including manipulation/loading of the pistol. If you do not wish to carry a loaded pistol, loading will be on the clock. Manipulation of gear, other than chambering rounds, is allowed during wait time. Competitors may not chamber a round or draw a loaded pistol before the range officer gives the command to do so.
If a team arrives at a stage and there is someone shooting, after a clear rifle is shown, the team may start their wait time. Wait time may or may not be kept track of by the RO, it behooves the team to keep their own wait time as a backup.
Weapons Choices
This match will offer targets, possibly up to 1000-yards, which are adequate but less than generous. The first five stages will have targets up to 1000 yards. The last four stages will have targets up to 300-yards.
A gear drop/resupply station will occur after the fifth stage. Gear drop covered in next section.
This is an open weapon team match. Bipods, shooting sticks, and any shooting aids are allowed, but must be deployed on the stage after being told to begin.
I am going provide ranges of rifle targets in the course of fire and stage diagrams. Stage diagrams will be visible on match day. Range finders are allowed but must be used on the clock. Wind speed and atmospheric readings are free to take outside of the stage, but on the clock during the stage.
Partners may switch main weapon roles for any of the nine stages, but may not switch during the stage. If you haven’t figured out yet, it will behoove a team to have a capable precision rifle or designated marksman rifle for the first five stages. The other partner will be fine carrying a rifle caliber carbine more suited for engaging targets 500-yards and closer.
On the last four stages, there will be more pistol targets than carbine targets. Team members may both carry rifle caliber carbines and pistols, or one member may carry a pistol caliber carbine and pistol. Steel pistol targets shall not be shot with a rifle caliber carbine. All targets may be shot with a pistol caliber carbine.
Steel rifle targets and steel pistol targets will be designated by color. All pistol targets will be blue. Rifle targets may be red, orange, or white. Whichever color is best for visibility. Cardboard targets may be shot by any weapon.
Gear Drop/Resupply
Coordinate and plan with you teammate! Any weapons or gear you wish to swap or resupply must dropped off at HQ after the safety brief but before sending the first runner on the day you are running. Stage 5 is several miles from HQ and we will not make multiple trips up the mountain because you forgot to add or need to get something.
All weapons and gear going up or down the mountain need to fit in a maximum of one soft sided case per competitor. No large hard sided pelican type cases. One case per competitor will aid in achieving an organized and timely gear swap/resupply. They will each be labeled with team name and number, then carefully transported up the mountain.
After the last shooters pass the gear drop resupply station, all gear will be brought down and staged along the wall at HQ. We will treat your gear with respect and are not responsible for damage claims. Gear will be supervised at all times.
A large ice chest with cool water will be available to all in the quantity you need at the station. If you have any special drinks or snacks you want, you are responsible for them.
Stage Targets and Stage Scoring
During the shooting stages, all steel targets and cardboard targets must be hit twice for the team match. A team may split the targets and hits between each member as they see fit to finish the stage.
-A cardboard miss will result in a 10 second penalty to stage time for each miss. Cardboard misses will not cause a stage “did not finish” (DNF), only the penalty will be assessed to the stage time.
-Failure to neutralize all the steel targets within 500 yards twice on all stages in PAR time or less will result in a “did not finish” (DNF) and zero points for the stage.
-Targets over 500 yards have a maximum penalty of 1 minute per target. A Failure To Engage (FTE) penalty is 15 seconds. A Failure To Neutralize (FTN) penalty is 15 seconds. Each target over 500 yards requires two engagements and two neutralizations to avoid penalties. Two shots that hit a target both times fulfill the engagement and neutralization requirements.
-If a team hits all targets 500-yards and less but stops shooting at the further than 500-yard targets to conserve ammo in under the PAR time limit. They will receive the stage PAR time plus penalties regardless of the actual time they stopped shooting. There will be no benefit for gaming a stage by quitting after flinging rounds at targets further than 500-yards.
-A team starts a stage and engages and hits all targets up to 500-yards, twice each. Time runs out. Per say there was a 600- and 700-yard target. The designated marksman shot at and hit the 600-yard target once and did not shoot at the 700-yard target. The team would not receive a DNF since all the 500 yard and closer targets were hit. They would receive PAR time plus penalties. In this case they would receive one 15 second penalty for failing to engage the 600-yard target twice, two 15 second penalties for failing to engage the 700-yard target at all, and three 15 second penalties for hitting the 600-yard only once and not hitting the 700-yard targets twice. Their stage time would be 3:00 minutes plus 1:30 minutes in penalties, so 4:30 overall.
-A team starts a stage and hits all the targets up to 500-yards. They engage the 800- and 1000-yard targets twice each but miss each target twice. They are running low on ammunition, decide that those targets are out of their capabilities, and/or think they will game the stage and quit at 1:30 minutes. Since the stage PAR time limit, 3:00 minutes per say, has not expired, they will not be scored at 1:30 minutes plus another minute for the four FTN penalties at the 800- and 1000-yard targets. They will be scored at 3:00 minutes plus another minute for the four misses at the long range targets. It would be unfair that they receive a 2:30 minute time when they missed four hits and another team hit all targets twice in 2:59 minutes.
-A team starts a stage and engages all the targets from 100-yards to 800-yards twice. Except, they miss the 400-yard target once and most of the further targets, then time expires. They would receive a DNF since a target 500-yards and under was not hit twice. The penalties for the FTN’s over 500-yards would be irrelevant.
-A team hits all the targets on a stage but does not shoot a cardboard target twice within the time limit. The team will be assessed a 20 second penalty to their time and the recorded time may be over stage par time.
Overall Match Scoring
Scoring is subject to change. Shooting score will consist of 70% of the overall score. Run score will consist of 30% of the score. Both shooting and running will be scored based on points compared to the range of other competitor’s times. A time twice as fast as another competitor’s is worth twice as many points. A heat modifier for the run will be used: valued at 4 seconds per mile per degree over the lowest start temperature.
Bonus/Redemption Stage
Foremost, this is a fundraiser stage. Proceeds will be split between Tier 1 Outdoors ( https://www.tier1outdoors.com/) and a college fund for two daughters of a Shurley Ranch family member that passed away.
This stage is optional and is $20 per team, cash paid before shooting, to participate in. Subsequent runs of this stage are $10. If you DNF any stage on the main event, you can opt to shoot this stage to replace one DNF with the time and points on this stage as compared to other competitors that opted to do the same.
If you did not DNF a stage on the main event you do not have to shoot this stage during your run, as it is on the clock for overall run time. Wait time will be assessed for anyone shooting this stage to redeem a DNF.
This stage is at headquarters and will be .22 long rifle only. Stage guns, a S&W M&P 15-22 rifle with 1-4x scope and a S&W M&P Compact .22 pistol will be available. Ammunition is provided in three 10 round magazines for each gun, 60 rounds total. If you run out of ammunition, you’re done.
Personal guns may be used and be pre-staged before starting the course. For fairness, magazines will be limited to 10 rounds each for a total of 60 rounds per team.
One attempt of this stage to redeem a DNF during your run is all you get. If you wish to shoot this stage outside of the run, you may do so as many times as you want and time/ammo allows. Fastest time on the stage, whether shot during or outside of the run will reward the team with the 6th place pick off the prize table.
If you are shooting the stage outside of your run and a team comes in during their run to redeem a DNF. That team and any other team on their run that comes in before the first team is done will be given priority.
You may not pre-shoot this stage before you have run the main event. Faster times of subsequent shoots of this stage outside of the run will trump a teams previous slower times for prizes, but will not improve your initial score assessed to a DNF redemption.
If a team places in the top 5 and also wins the bonus stage, they can make another trip to the prize table. The current fastest time will be available to all teams so they know how fast they need to be to beat it.
Course of fire subject to change. Target sizes and distances will be updated as stages are set up. YouTube stage walkthrough videos to come!
Stage 1 – Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
The team will start in the staging area. Then when told to go, advance to the shooting area. Once in the shooting area, they will begin to engage targets. On the left, will be five pistol targets at various ranges. On the hill side beyond the pistol targets, will be four rifle targets at ranges from 100-200 yards. In the valley, will be two 12x24” alien targets at 250 yards. On the hill side beyond the valley, will be two targets at 425 and 495 yards. All targets must be hit twice to clear stage. 10 pistol hits, 16 rifle hits. Estimated PAR 3:00 Minutes.
Stage 2 – District 9
The team will start in the staging area. Then when told to go, advance to the shooting area. Once in the shooting area, the team will advance down towards the draw as far as needed to engage ten pistol targets at various ranges. Once the pistol targets are neutralized, pistols will be carefully and deliberately holstered. The team will return to the staging area, where they will retrieve and load their rifles. There will be two rifle targets at 88 yards, two rifle targets at 162 yards, one 12x24” alien at 122 yards, and two rifle targets at 605 (16”) and 675 (24”) yards. All targets under 500 yards must be hit twice to clear stage. Failure to engage and/or hit the 605-yard and 675-yard targets twice each will result in a 15 second penalty for each FTE or FTN. 20 pistol hits, 14 rifle hits. Estimated PAR 4:00 Minutes.
Stage 3 – Signs
The team will start in the staging area. Then when told to go, advance to the shooting area. Once in the shooting area, the team will begin to engage targets. On the right hill side, will be two small rifle targets at 170 and 200 yards. On the hill side beyond the valley, will be two targets (24”) at 670 and 830 yards. With one shooter traversing the tank dam from right to left, there will be five targets at ranges between 75 and 250 yards. Also, along the dam will be two cardboard targets at close range. Cardboard can be engaged with rifle or pistol. If switching between long arm and pistol, extreme diligence and care must be taken. RO’s will call safety violations for negligence, resulting in stage or match DQ’s. All targets under 500 yards must be hit twice to clear stage. Failure to engage and/or hit the 670-yard and 830-yard targets twice will result in a 15 second penalty for each FTE or FTN. 18 rifle hits, 4 rifle/pistol option hits. Estimated PAR 4:00 Minutes.
Stage 4 – Galaxy Quest
The team will start in the staging area. When told to go, advance to the shooting area. Once in the shooting area, the team will begin to engage targets. On the right hill side, will be two targets at 277 and 395 yards. On the left hillside, will be targets at 213 and 334 yards. In the valley below the hillsides, will be three targets at 585, 705, and 880 yards. All targets under 500 yards must be hit twice to clear stage. Failure to engage and/or hit the 585, 705, and 880-yard targets twice each will result in a 15 second penalty for each FTE or FTN. 14 rifle hits. Estimated PAR 5:00 Minutes.
Stage 5 – The Worlds End
The team will start in the staging area. When told to go, advance down the hillside. Hiding in the brush will be two pesky aliens (8x12”) that must be engaged with pistol first. Once the aliens are neutralized, safely and deliberately holster pistols. The team may then load rifles and begin to engage remaining targets. On the left and center hillside, will be targets at 135 and 220 yards. In the valley below, will be targets at 345 (16”), 450 (24”), 880 (30”), and 1040 (30”) yards. All targets under 500 yards must be hit twice to clear stage. Failure to engage and/or hit the 880-yard and 1040-yard targets twice each will result in a 15 second penalty for each FTE or FTN. 4 pistol, 12 rifle. Estimated PAR 5:00 Minutes.
Gear Drop/Resupply Station
Teams will access their gun bags to swap weapons and resupply kit as needed to finish the course.
Stage 6 – Mars Attacks!
The team will start in the staging area. When told to go, advance to the shooting area. Once in the shooting area, the team will begin to engage targets. While advancing on-line down the path, the team will engage a mixture of rifle and pistol targets. Teammates must communicate when engaging targets. The team may pivot right to engage targets and switch sides if needed. Again, teammates must communicate! Pistol and rifle targets may be engaged with a PCC. Pistol targets will not be engaged with a rifle. If switching between long arm and pistol, extreme diligence and care must be taken. RO’s will call safety violations for negligence, resulting in stage or match DQ’s. All targets must be hit twice to clear stage. Estimated 18 pistol, 8 rifle. All targets under 300 yards. Estimated PAR 3:00 Minutes.
Stage 7 – Men In Black
The team will start in the staging area. When told to go, advance to the shooting area. Once in the shooting area, the team will begin to engage targets. Rifle shooter will start with a magazine with only 6 rounds. Once the 6 round rifle magazine is expended, they will call for the partner to toss them a magazine. There will be mixture of cardboard option targets, pistol targets, and rifle targets down and across the mountain side. Pistol and rifle targets may be engaged with a PCC. Pistol targets will not be engaged with a rifle. Cardboard targets may be engaged with any weapon. If switching between long arm and pistol, extreme diligence and care must be taken. RO’s will call safety violations for negligence, resulting in stage or match DQ’s. Cardboard targets may be engaged with any weapon. All targets must be hit twice to clear stage. Estimated 10 rifle, 12 pistol, and 6 pistol/rifle option hits. All targets under 300 yards. Estimated PAR 3:00 Minutes.
Stage 8 – Independence Day
The team will start in the staging area. When told to go, advance to the shooting area. Once in the shooting area, the team will begin to engage targets. While advancing on-line down the path, the team will engage pistol targets as they become visible to the front and right. Teammates must communicate when engaging targets. The team may pivot right to engage targets and switch sides if needed. Again, teammates must communicate! All targets must be hit twice to clear stage. 40 pistol hits. Estimated PAR 3:00 Minutes.
Stage 9 – Resurgence
The team will start in the staging area. When told to go, advance to the shooting area. Once in the shooting area, the team will begin to engage targets. Below the knoll, will be 10 pistol targets at various ranges. On the hillside beyond, will be 8 rifle targets from 75 to 150 yards. Pistol and rifle targets may be engaged with a PCC. Pistol targets will not be engaged with a rifle. If switching between long arm and pistol, extreme diligence and care must be taken. RO’s will call safety violations for negligence, resulting in stage or match DQ’s. All targets must be hit to clear stage. 20 pistol, 16 rifle hits. All targets under 300 yards. Estimated PAR 3:00 Minutes.
Bonus/DNF Redemption Stage
This stage is .22 only and $20 for the first run, $10 for subsequent runs. The money goes straight to good causes. There are dedicated stage guns with provided ammo available. Bring and pre-stage your own .22’s if you wish. The first score on this stage will replace a stage DNF if shot during the run. The stage can be ran multiple times to improve time, outside of the run, for the 6th team pick from prize table.
Shooters will be given three 10 round mags each. One shooter with pistol and one with rifle. Advance down the gauntlet and engage 8 cardboard targets with two hits each. Then shoot the start plate, knocking it off the pedestal. Engage another cardboard with two hits while it’s moving. Then finish by knocking down 6 plates on a rack. 25 hits total. No time limit, but limited by ammunition.
Overall Round Count:
124 - Pistol hits total. 34 hits in stages 1-5, 90 hits in stages 6-9 (PCC may be used to engage pistol targets on stages 6-9)
114 - Rifle hits total. 44 hits rifle and 36 hits precision rifle in stages 1-5 (rifle and precision rifle targets may be engaged with either rifle), 34 rifle hits in stages 6-9 (rifle targets may be engaged with PCC).
10 - Pistol/Rifle option hits total. 4 hits on stage 3, 6 hits on stage 7 (cardboard targets).
60 - .22 Long Rifle if supplying own ammo for Bonus/DNF Redemption Stage, per run.
When arriving to the ranch, please stay on all ranch roads or designated parking areas. Grass is very delicate in West Texas! The green area is where you can temporarily park to check-in upon arrival if needed. The light blue area is where you can park for the day. The yellow area is for tent and RV campers. Unless you are renting a VRBO house, the match director, or an RO, please stay out of the red area behind the Start/Stop Match HQ. The black area by the barn is the only area designated for smoking.